Immunisation Practical Workshop – Brisbane 27 Feb 2019

PSA immunisation training is intended to provide registered pharmacists, who meet the pre-requisite requirements, with the knowledge and skills to establish and deliver a successful immunisation service, including administration of injections. Manage the delivery and administration of injections and immunisations (APPIMM806A) is based on the training program used to successfully train pharmacists worldwide and in the Queensland Pharmacy Immunisation Pilot. Over 2,300 pharmacists have now completed the PSA training and have successfully vaccinated more than 12,000 people across Australia. PSA immunisation training has been accredited as a CPD activity, is recognised under the Australian Vocational Education and Training sector and is nationally accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). It is also recognised as a training program for immunisers by all state and territory health departments. Completion of this course enables you to receive one unit in the Graduate Diploma of Applied Pharmacy Practice (10373NAT).

Delivery method
Blended training program that comprises two parts:
Part 1: Immunisation Online Modules (Online)
Part 1 MUST be completed prior to attending Part 2. This will comprise of essential knowledge on immunisation and the role of the pharmacist.

Part 2: Immunisation Practical Workshop and Assessment (Face to face)
This will comprise of theory, demonstration and guided practice of immunisation. Participants will also be paired-up and assessed on injection technique using practice vaccine (saline).

Participants must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
Participants must provide evidence of currency in the following at the time of attending the Practical Workshop and Assessment:

Provide First Aid (HLTAID003)
Provide CPR (HLTAID001) *
ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for pharmacists or for health professionals
SA Health modules Certificate of Completion (SA participants only)

* HLTAID001 is not required if HLTAID003 was completed in the 12 months prior to the Immunisation Practical Workshop and Assessment.
Participants will not be able to participate in the Practical Workshop and Assessment if they have not completed the Immunisation Online Modules including achieving 80% in the assessments.

First aid and CPR policy
In exceptional circumstances a participant can request in writing (email: a waiver of up to 3 months after the workshop to submit a current first aid and/or CPR certificate. The request must be made 2 weeks prior to the workshop. The participant will be advised that they will require CPR knowledge in order to successfully undertake the practical assessment in the workshop. If a waiver is requested and granted, PSA takes no responsibility if the workshop assessment is not completed satisfactorily. Should this occur the participant would need to attend another workshop to demonstrate competence and this would be at the participant’s expense.
Participants will not be issued with a Statement of Attainment for the unit APPIMM806A until all required documents have been submitted to PSA.

Refund and cancellation policy

A minimum number of registrants must be achieved for each PSA event. Registrants will be advised in due time and registration fees refunded if an event does not proceed.
Where a participant applies to withdraw after access to course materials either online or print based has occurred any refund of tuition fees paid upfront is at the discretion of the PSA and will not be refunded unless exceptional circumstances.
Course fees are non-transferable.
Request for changes of an immunisation workshop date that are received up to 14 days before the face to face workshop date are allowed without penalty, after that changes are subject to availability and will attract an additional 50% of the total course fee.