Immunisation Practical Workshop – North Sydney – 11 May – Afternoon

Given the need to assess the administration of injections, PSA will continue to deliver these vital workshops as face-to-face training, noting the following:
• Training will be undertaken in smaller groups; strictly limited to 16 participants or less (aligned with jurisdictional requirements)
• All participants are asked to bring their own water bottles and lunch/snacks
• All participants are asked to bring their own pen and paper
• Each participant will receive their own pack of immunisation training supplies
• Training spaces will be disinfected thoroughly, including all doors, handles, benches and surfaces
Based on advice by the Department of Health in relation to minimising exposure to COVID-19, any persons registered to attend a face-to-face PSA event who have traveled overseas in the last 2 weeks are required to not attend any face-to-face events until 14 days have lapsed from the date of arrival to Australia. If you have a fever or acute respiratory symptoms, you must not attend training or an event. Please contact to discuss your options to attend an alternative training date.